Drone Warfare in Myanmar: A Threat to SAC


Peace Analysis, September 2023

This analysis focuses into the complex and dangers of air operations within Myanmar’s political landscape, exploring the evolving dynamics between the State Administrative Council (SAC) and the joint forces of the Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) amidst the ongoing armed revolution after the military coup. A pivotal aspect shaping contemporary military strategies is the unprecedented rise of drone capabilities, a phenomenon that has dramatically altered the course of engagements. This paper researches the far-reaching implications of drone warfare, an advancement that has inflicted significant casualties upon the military establishment. Consequently, seeking assistance, the SAC has turned to China to navigate the complexities of controlling drone deployments effectively. In this analysis, several key dimensions are examined:

  • Why the SAC’s military apparatus increasingly resorts to airstrike operations against revolutionary forces that pose imminent threats to the heart of Myanmar’s political power, Nay Pyi Taw.
  • Drone Dominance: An exploration of the SAC’s ability to orchestrate a minimum of twelve drone missions per month in regions like Mon State and Karen State, illuminating the tactical significance of these operations.
  • A comprehensive study comparing the efficacy of drone strikes versus conventional air assaults, shedding light on the strategic calculus guiding these choices.
  • Furthermore, this analysis delves into the nuanced reactions of the international community towards the Myanmar crisis, underscoring the global implications of the conflict.

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