The First Federal Unit – Karenni State IEC & Mon Politics


June Peace Analysis

The 2021 military coup in Myanmar dealt a severe blow to the country’s ongoing transition towards democracy, undermining the progress made thus far. As Myanmar was still in the process of transforming into a democratic system, the coup shattered hopes for a peaceful transition. Consequently, the younger generations, in their fight for democracy, have been compelled to resort to armed revolution. The lack of security for civilians has exacerbated the destruction of peace, as the civil war and armed conflicts have escalated as direct consequences of the military coup.

This analysis will highlight into several key political developments in Myanmar. Firstly, the formation of the Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC), which represents the first step towards establishing a federal unit highlights the aspirations of the Karenni ethnic groups for self-administration and a decentralized political structure. And then the territorial expansion of the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) in Mon State, particularly in relation to the former Mon ethnic armed group, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), raises questions about the dynamics between these two groups and the potential consequences for the political landscape in Mon State. This analysis will analyze the current situation and crisis faced by the NMSP within the armed forces and the political sphere that are challenging their image. Furthermore, the disturbing issue of crimes against humanity committed by the State Administration Council (SAC) against women and children grave violation of human rights and the analysis on international response upon Myanmar crisis is also included.

By examining these developments, this analysis aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the evolving political landscape in Myanmar and shed light on the complex dynamics shaping the country’s future.


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