Monthly Socio- Economic Analysis ( November)


Monthly Socio-Economic Analysis for November 

Rehmonnya Institute For Civic Engagement (RICE)



Political Situation 

In all ages, the military government never can develop the country except by focusing on priority for their perpetuation of power and self–interest. Only the armed conflict and Civil War got growth. Now, after the 2021 military coup, the country is in the same situation as before and the armed clashes across the country have become more intense. Due to the intensification of the armed conflicts, innocent people are suffering all kinds of hardships and the number of refugees has increased to more than (1650,611). In addition, (2546) people have been killed, (16432) were arrested, and over (38568) public houses have been destroyed and burned down by the member of the military junta according to the data shows from the Independence media department during nearly 2 years of the coup. Currently, the country (Myanmar) is falling into a failed State with various collapses and internal instability. 

Moreover, the military junta is focusing on trying to obtain legitimacy and has not been able to handle the country’s crisis until today. On the contrary, the regime still refuses five points consensuses of ASEAN, United Nations (UN), and the international community’s proposal that end violence, and still does more cruel terrorist acts and continues to commit atrocities, including arbitrary torture and killings of civilians, burning people alive, massacres, using civilians’ detainees as human shields, artillery and aerial bombing on civilians’ areas, looting and burning houses and acts of sexual violence across the country. In the same way, some people’s defense force also does terrorist acts against innocent civilians by arresting, detaining, and assassinating them under the title of “dalan” accusation.

Therefore, as the consequences of the coup, the economic, social and other important sectors have still been collapsing and armed conflicts are getting growth. Then, the country (Myanmar)still sinks into the poverty pit. 


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