Monthly Socio- Economic Analysis ( August)



Monthly Socio-Economic Analysis for July

Rehmonnya Institute For Civic Engagement (RICE)



Political Situation 

It may take many decades long for Myanmar (recently known as Burma), to end up the multi- layered conflicts and to be a peaceful country. The armed conflict flames spurred all over the country (Myanmar) and the armed struggle get growth since the 2021 military coup. Even the Burmese military (also known as Tatmadaw) under the name of State Administrative Council (SAC), has been taking power over a year, the country does not seem to get improved and it still is deteriorating. On the other hand, the economic, social and other important sectors are collapsed as the result of the military coup. Among the armed conflict and political tensions, the innocent civilians have been facing hardships in terms of security, social activities and economics.

 Nevertheless, the Myanmar Junta refused to obey and implement the five points consensuses of ASEAN and still continues to violate the human rights laws and war law by persecuting and killing innocent people, arson attacks, and airstrikes outbreaks over villages. On the other hand, some revolutionary forces also performed some bad practices toward civilians by assassinating them as accused of informers (dalan). Between the two conflicting forces, civilians are becoming hostages. Moreover, there were dozens of civilians have lost their lives and up to over 1 millions of residents have fled their homes and become internal displaced persons (IDPs) after over a yearlong of military coup. Similarly, according to the Data for Myanmar, there were over (30, 000) houses have been burning down and were destroyed by military regime’s soldiers during over a yearlong of military coup. We could sadly claim that these sorrowful incidents were all the impact of the violent coup.

 In addition, the country (Myanmar) is becoming deeply in poverty due to extreme armed conflict in all over the country occurring. The economic, social sectors (education and health) and another important sector has still been collapsing. The unemployment rate and the poverty rate of the country dramatically get increased through the economic collapse.   Most of the civilians (especially middle-class people) are suffering all kinds of the hardship through the crises caused by 2021 military coup.   By looking to the social sector, there were more robberies and murders cases have been heard and seen in the social media almost as daily due to the rule of laws is disintegrating and lack of security in the country.


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